New Boutique Space in the Wharf

Fisherman's Wharf – San Francisco, California, United States

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New Boutique Space in the Wharf

Fisherman's Wharf – San Francisco, California, United States

Entire Pop-up shop in San Francisco

Snelle antwoorder

Fisherman's Wharf – San Francisco, California, United States

Boutique / Shop
927 sq ft
Begane grond straatkant

Ideaal gebruik


Over deze ruimte

This space is in a rapidly changing part of the Wharf!

There is an entire block of street front retail.

Join local attractions and tenants like Ripley's Believe it or not, Aquarium of the Bay, Madame Tussauds, Red & White Fleet, San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park, Boudin Bakery, LIDS, Musée Méchanique, and Alioto's.

This space is at the doorstep of Pier 39, it's among the highest food traffic counts of all of San Francisco and it's located under the recently renovated 361-...

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Air Conditioning
Street Level


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  3. Boek de ruimte net zo makkelijk als een hotelkamer.
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